Email Message to Prospective Writing Team Partners 2

From: Samantha Krieg

To: Madison

Date: 2022/06/03

Subject: ENGL 301 Writing Team Formation


Dear Madison,  

I am reaching out to you about forming a writing team for ENGL 301. 

I read your recent application letter and found your recent success in the HUBUB competition interesting. As a civil engineering student, I am passionate about sustainable infrastructure and believe increased awareness about green building technologies is crucial. Your volunteer work is inspiring and gives you an excellent foundation of knowledge for this course. Finally, I believe that our similar approaches to learning will create a positive team dynamic throughout the semester. 

 Please see the attached file for my application letter. I look forward to hearing from you. 


Samantha Krieg

ENGL 301 Technical Writing Student


301 Samantha Krieg Application Letter

301 Samantha Krieg Application Letter

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