GIS Analysis

This section collects some of the cartography and GIS projects I have done in school, at work and for non-profit organizations. With an undergraduate in Geography specializing in Environment and Sustainability, I am skilled in conducting geospatial analysis using ArcGIS and other mapping software. I enjoy creating maps and understand how maps and data visualization can impact planning.

As a geographer and planner, I have a deep understanding of Geographic Information Science (GIScience) and Geographic Information Systems (GISystems). I realize the important role GIS plays in academic research, environmental impact assessment, and evaluating different social issues. Through all my projects, I also gained practical working skills on GIS software, and essential knowledge on geospatial data gathering and analysis. These projects not only allowed me to learn how to produce high quality maps, but also helped me build a critical mindset in treating geospatial data with diligence and integrity.

Many of class projects from Geob 472 Research in Advanced Cartography & Data Visualization and Geob 270: Introduction to Geographic Information Science, which are both 3 credit course offered by the Department of Geography at the University of British Columbia.

Please click on each drop down tab to check the projects.
