#ReduceSingleUse PART2

Waste problems from single use (disposable) products are one of the topics that is often discussed in our Sustainability Marketing class. When we listed up the number of disposable products in one of our classes, I was genuinely surprised by the number of such products. And, as many of you know, plastic bags, packaging, and containers are no exception. There are more than two million plastic bags handed out every week in Vancouver and as I mentioned in my past post, millions of dollars have been spent on this “garbage.”

In addition to 2020 greenest city action plan, Vancouver also has announced its plan to eliminate waste by 2040. The city aims to reduce the solid waste going to the landfill by 50% from 2008 levels, and one of their main strategies for this plan is “Single-Use Item Reduction Strategy.” (#ReduceSingleUse)

So… what can we do to reduce single-use products?


This is when I found an interesting startup based in Luxembourg called OUNI, a packaging-free organic grocery store. The concept of this store is very similar to what NADA (previously known as Zero Waste Market) offers in Vancouver. Interesting point about this store is that it doesn’t only focus on the waste reduction, but also creates shared value with its customers and the community. As a corporate business, OUNI allows customers to actively be part of the company by purchasing a membership (share). In addition, it provides workshops which focus on different aspects of sustainability and are targeted to various customer base. Some interesting workshops that I found on their website were “Sustainable Development for Kids” and “Zero waste workshop.”

In the light of Vancouver’s zero waste plan, I believe it is important to have places like OUNI where people can actively be part of the “solution” to resolve one of the largest environmental issues that confront the city. Such places can be utilized to educate people on needed actions to establish a more sustainable community.

That is why I was very excited to hear that NADA is planning to open the first store in Vancouver! The opening date is unknown, but it will be located 675 East Broadway. It plans to offer fresh produce, dairy products, dry bulk goods, and frozen products in the future. I am excited to visit the store when it opens and hope that these package-free stores will become the new norm of grocery stores in the future.


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