Most of us must have heard about the beauty brand LUSH. They provide various cosmetic product lines including shampoos, body washes, perfumes, and many more. My personal impressions of LUSH are customer driven, sustainability focused, and creative brand, but I became interested to know more about what they do to establish such brand image. So I have decided to do some research.

LUSH’s value is described as…

All business should be ethical and all trade should be fair.  Individual companies should not stand out simply by not being damaging or unfair.  No company should be trading from an unethical position and society has a right to expect as the norm fairness and resource stewardship from the companies that supply them.

Above policy is reflected in many of their product lines, but the one which interested me the most was their focus on waste and package.


Waste“Go Naked”

We put our efforts into what goes inside of our products and shops instead of packaging.

Many of their products are sold without packaging as they believe the most efficient way to reduce waste is not to create the waste in the first place. It also reduce the production cost and allows LUSH to invest that extra money to better quality ingredients for their products.  LUSH NAKED product line includes solid shampoo bars, bath bombs, soaps, and solid shower gel that was recently introduced. To learn more about their NAKED products check this page.


Packaging“Be kind to the planet”

Even for products that require packaging, they are committed on reducing waste and using packaging materials that are less harmful to the planet. Their black pots are 100% made of recycled plastic. They also have recycling program where one can obtain free fresh face mask by bringing five used black pots. Package peanuts that are used for their gift products are 100% plant based and Biodegradable, which eliminates waste that goes to the landfill.

There are so much more than can be written here… So I would highly recommend exploring their website to learn more about good things LUSH does. My favourite page is “Stories” where you can find information related to their programs, products, and initiatives!

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