G+ Circles

Sorry for the delayed follow up since my last post. I decided to fly home to visit my family but the day before I arrived Chatham was in the eye of a storm and my parents power has been out ever since. “Welcome home!”  Should be back up tomorrow so I will follow up on Nings then.

For today I am sitting in a Tim Horton’s to update you on G+ Circles. I have to confess that Google Circles could very well be the resolve to my previously mentioned issue with using Facebook as part of my PLN. Essentially, with G+ Circles I can add people to a circle, much like you add friends in Facebook, but instead of having a mass collection of “friends” you can group people. I can have a G+ Circle for work colleagues, alt. educators, friends from MET, etc. My actual “friends” stay in Facebook and my professional friends and colleagues stay in G+ Circles. It has potential. Unfortunately it still means being even more dependent on Google but that may be a non-issue for most. (It’s the whole issue of all of your eggs in one basket – lots of people love this, others wonder what could happen if Google decides to put a price on their services). Something to think about I suppose.

Here is a great video to explain how Google Circles works and how it can resolve the Facebook issue.

So, now that we understand what Google Circles are, I have to confess  I like it! It is another way to connect and collaborate with people – that I know, and those that I don’t know – but who share similar interests.  (It would also be a useful tool to get students working together in groups).

I am including a link to Edwin Watson’s video that explains how to get started with Google+ and set up and use Google Circles. There are also a number of Google Circles already in progress on a variety of educational topics for you to join. Here is the best site I have found for breaking down a large handful of G+ Circles for Educators.  Check it out.

The biggest thing to keep in mind when creating your PLN is that it is just that – PERSONAL – the choices you make are yours. There is no one, cookie-cutter version of a PLN. Take your time, think about what you want to do? Why you want to do it? And how the tools that are out there can make it easier for you to achieve your goals.  (-:

Creating a wiki of your own

I thought it would be worthwhile to compile a list of alternative wiki hosts beyond wikispaces  which admittedly is my go-to tool.

In speaking with some colleagues in the MET program I have been given some other suggestions on possible wiki alternatives that they have used as well:

1. PBWorks. This link provides some details about how you can use wikis in educational settings (case studies) and provides some sample sites as well.

2. Wikidot. According to information on their education page “The Educational sites are absolutely free for educational / research purposes. Please create your site, enter Site Manager and look for Educational upgrade.” Good to know!

Others said they had used wetpaint in the past, which I do remember hearing about, but when I did some digging it looks like the Seatle-based owners of this company have moved away from wikis to focus on social publishing…so, not so useful; unless you want to keep up on Hollywood gossip. Not necessarily part of your PLN.

There are others out there but they are not as well known and stable as the two I have provided. These three offer viable options and one should suite your needs.

The great thing about these sites is the potential for free hosting as an educator, and more importantly, none have ads.

My suggestion would be to spend some time looking at design options, layout options, embedding options, linking options, etc.

Remember, you can always post questions below!



Wikis make great connections

Over the past three years in the MET program at UBC I have become very comfortable working in wikis. Most courses require group design assignments and wikis tend to be the perfect tool for the task. For those who don’t know what a wiki is. Here is a great video – Wikis in plain English.

Two years ago at a district alternative teacher meeting there was a universal complaint across the group that we didn’t know each other – where each of us worked, what each of us taught, or anything else for that matter.  There was also frustration with lack of resources, outdated resources, and the exorbitant amount of time it was taking to modify and adapt curriculum for each of our alternative school students due to learning designations and gaps in learning. I piped up at that meeting, “What we need is a wiki! An online place to share this information!”  There were a lot of blank stares.

And then the BCTF went into negotiations with the government and strike-action ensued. We didn’t see each other for an entire year. It sucked. Not that we saw each other much before that, but it was starting to get better. What I managed to do in that time was to create a wiki where we could each introduce ourselves, and our schools, AND share resources. (The image on the right is an outline of the pages contained on the wiki).

The problem I was up against was that many of the teachers didn’t use email (I’m not kidding), and had huge apprehensions about using technologies of any kind.  Alternative teachers are a unique breed for many reasons. But more than any other teachers, alternative teachers are accustomed to being invisible, to operating in isolation. It is quite sad, and it seems most have resigned themselves to it. NOT ME!

So this past school year I tried again. And again. And again! Finally, teachers are coming on board and I have agreed to go into each school and provide mini hands-on workshops to get teachers feeling comfortable using the wiki. I am really excited about this piece of my PLN! After having the opportunity to learn and share and collaborate with so many great people through the MET Program at UBC. I am finally going to be able to give back to my community and hopefully help them make connections.

Note: I chose to create the wiki using wikispaces. I did not want the wiki tied to a district website. I did not want it to be filtered or controlled by administration. I wanted it to be teacher-directed.  That was important for ongoing PD. I also wanted teachers who leave the school district to have the opportunity to stay connected toif they wish. And who knows, if this takes off we could network with other teachers across the province and it could become a much bigger collaborative tool than I imagined. That would be awesome!

Below is a screenshot of the site’s home page.  As you can see in the shot above, each school has their own page where they can introduce their school – size, demographics, hours, offerings, etc. There is also room for each staff member to post a photo and a brief blurb about: subjects they teach, what their passions are, and anything else they would like to share.  In addition, as noted to the right, there is a page dedicated to TOC’s – it’s hard to find great TOCs in alt. ed so when you find them, we ask that you share!  There is also a page for each subject area where teachers can share resources – anything from a great math website to a novel study unit. It’s just getting started but the potential is there for greatness!