Creating a wiki of your own

I thought it would be worthwhile to compile a list of alternative wiki hosts beyond wikispaces  which admittedly is my go-to tool.

In speaking with some colleagues in the MET program I have been given some other suggestions on possible wiki alternatives that they have used as well:

1. PBWorks. This link provides some details about how you can use wikis in educational settings (case studies) and provides some sample sites as well.

2. Wikidot. According to information on their education page “The Educational sites are absolutely free for educational / research purposes. Please create your site, enter Site Manager and look for Educational upgrade.” Good to know!

Others said they had used wetpaint in the past, which I do remember hearing about, but when I did some digging it looks like the Seatle-based owners of this company have moved away from wikis to focus on social publishing…so, not so useful; unless you want to keep up on Hollywood gossip. Not necessarily part of your PLN.

There are others out there but they are not as well known and stable as the two I have provided. These three offer viable options and one should suite your needs.

The great thing about these sites is the potential for free hosting as an educator, and more importantly, none have ads.

My suggestion would be to spend some time looking at design options, layout options, embedding options, linking options, etc.

Remember, you can always post questions below!