
Are Temporary Foreign Workers Needed In BC?

In response to Megan’s Blog, in which she says that we need temporary foreign workers in order to fill in the positions that do not have enough Canadian demand, since some positions just do not have the right candidate with the right amount of experience whom also is a Canadian applying to them. Personally I strongly disagree with temporary foreign workers in any country unless that country has a nominal unemployment rate due to people not needing to work. Throughout history, foreign workers have came into different countries and taken the jobs that the people of that exact country need to make a living. To this day, this phenomenon is happening all over the world and is it causing much anger, uprising, and hardship. What I believe should be done is that Canada, being a wealthy, industrialized country with some socialistic influences, invest in the training of its own population in order to fill the job gaps that are present instead of just bringing in foreign workers that increase the unemployment rate and with it crime and a serious of other major nuances. Another major issue with bringing foreign workers is that they might not leave, which causes another plethora of problems for the government and its people.

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Is Microsoft Going to Win With Windows Phone 10?

Microsoft’s CEO, Satya Nadella, seems to be really optimistic regarding how well Windows Phone will do once Windows 10 hits the shelves next year, saying that they have made Windows 10 devices work far more harmoniously when running the tech giant’s newest operating system. It seems as though Microsoft will finally implement Windows Phone into the already 1 billion devices running the Windows operating system, which could turn around their diminishing smartphone market share. If Microsoft successfully integrates the Windows environment into Windows Phone 10, it will have a huge advantage over many other smartphone manufacturers as people really want harmony between their computers, tablets, and smartphones, an opportunity that is perfect for Microsoft because of  its huge computer operating system market share. What Microsoft needs to do produce very powerful, spec savvy smartphones at a considerably lower price in order to win market share from its competitors as it has the power and resources to do such a thing, and really work hard in creating a seamless environment across Windows devices off all screens. If Microsoft decreases their profit margin on their smartphones for a couple of quarters and really invest in them to make them better than the competition, it is surely on the path to smartphone market share dominance.

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Mercedes To Change its Car Names Drastically

Mercedes Benz has recently announced that by 2020 it will be releasing up to 30 new car models and in addition to that has changed the names of many of its cars to make each model family have more similar names. What doesn’t make sense to me is Mercedes Benz’s business model, I understand that they are a gigantic automobile manufacturer but more recently they have made so many different cars, many of them being so similar that they are each others direct competitors, that I am just confused as to what they are trying to achieve. Are they trying to flex their manufacturing muscle power? What use is it to design, market and manufacture multiple different cars that look alike, drive similarly, and are priced similarly under weird absurd names? I think that if MB were to focus on marketing and enhancing its best selling cars and sometimes experimenting with different models, it can actually make a lot more profit! Also I don’t believe changing the names of its cars by small letter variations is going to do much other than make more marketing costs and confuse their customers. Other companies have made massive name changes that have been a success, but history shows small variations doesn’t lead to much of a profit increase.

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Obama’s Important Thoughts on Net Neutrality

President Barack Obama has finally given his opinion on the hot, widely controversial topic of net neutrality, urging the FCC, federal communications commission, to make the internet a basic utility like electricity and to stop any companies from fiddling with peoples basic human rights. Net neutrality has quickly became an extremely important topic as Internet Service providers, like Verizon, have recently seen that they can make backdoor deals with different companies and basically speeding up internet access to those companies and throttling access to rival companies. It is acts like these that really bring out the dark side of capitalism, it really ails me to see huge companies trying to make even more money by putting the smaller guys at a huge disadvantage by restricting access to their content. I am really glad President Obama has finally given his firm opinion on this matter and hope that the FCC, being a private company, listens to the government and not the dirty, money-hungry, companies that are trying to bribe them. If serious net neutrality laws are not passed as soon as possible, we may see the end to the era of there being a free and open internet where everyone gets an equal chance to showcase their content.

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Was Apple too Late in Producing Big iPhones?

Steve Wozniak has recently told CNN that apple was 3 years too late in producing large screen smartphones, causing them to take a heavy market share loss to Samsung and like manufacturers in the large screen smartphone market. Even though by looking at market share percentages, it would seem that Wozniak was right, but if one were to look at Apple’s demand of the new, larger, iPhone 6 and 6+, one can clearly see that Apple has a demand for their product that they cannot possibly meet, meaning they are selling as many they possible could. The iPhone 6 and 6+ had the biggest smartphone debut of all time beating out many records in pre-orders, first day, and first weekend sales, and with China just ordering 20 million new iPhones, Apple has made as much profit as it could possibly be making for now. Also, what Wozniak is missing is that even those who have sailed with the other brand smartphones for their larger screen, which includes me, can switch back to the iPhone at a later date when they get tired of their current phones, since now Apple offers more screen size choices, meaning even more future revenue for Apple.

Wozniak_soloshot(Click on picture to go to the article)

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Social Entreprises

The Need For Social Enterprises in Addition to the United Nations.

The United Nations inarguably does good in this world and many people appreciate the amount of time, money, and manpower the UN dedicates to those in need and how much it has accomplished throughout its decades of support to humankind. The biggest problem not-for-profit organizations face is the issue of acquiring finances in order to alleviate human suffering. Not-for-profit organizations heavily rely on charitable contributions in order to get anything done, which is a major weak point in their theoretical “business model” since it is hard to get people to contribute to something without getting some sort of product or service in return. That is where social enterprises come into play, with their profit maximizing business models, they are able to quickly gain a lot of finances, expand their business, and contribute to better the human condition at a far more efficient rate than charities. The reason we need programs like the arc initiative is that these programs help those in need to stand on their own feet and become independent of charities by teaching them how to earn the money necessary to support themselves and their families. 474633_422425427784491_133401115_o

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Social Networks

Meet the Facebook Killer


After all the public outcry about Facebook deliberately manipulating its users feelings by showing them certain content, we now magically have this new, ultra-secure and ad-less social network blowing up on every news website around the world, boasting how it will take Facebook head on and it will usher a new era in social networking without the risk of your data being sold to other corporations or being used to manipulate you. If your think this claim is a little to big for this company too make, you could be right, as many analysts are saying this website clearly lacks the “glamour” of Facebook by first of all needing an invitation from an existing member in order to make an account and by its lack of any sort of decor. Creator Paul Budnitz has chosen a very simplistic, yet somewhat complicated, decor that has not generated much good press and has said the only way this website is going to make money is by selling premium content, which is quite anonymous and not something anyone will invest in just yet. Although Ello has a weak business model and not very many good reviews it has generated 35,000 new users an hour.

(Click on picture to go to the article)

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Tsilhqot’in vs. Taseko Mines

10192767Here we have a classic case of protecting the environment or a bunch of rich people making even more money at the cost of beautiful landscapes lost. I believe the people, the corporations and the governments of earth have to wake and and realize global warming is a real thing and our continued efforts in degrading the environment will, without any shadow of doubt, lead to our own demise. The environmental costs of setting up this mine heavily outweigh its benefits by orders of magnitude as the amount of habitat, clean water and animals that will suffer due to the extraction of gold from Dasiqox Tribal Park by Taseko Mines project of Fish Lake is beyond comprehension. This alone should deter anyone from destroying such priceless things, but to even further the damage, the mine itself will produce so much waste and pollution that it is simply just not a sensible thing for the government to allow.

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Can Facebook Perform Social Experiments?

evil-facebook-dangerThis is a reply to a fellow students blog about Facebook’s deliberate attempt at changing users moods by only showing them specific content, this blog post can be found here:

Everyone and their mothers has heard of how Facebook has done a massive social experiment on its users by showing a group of people sad stories generally and another group happy stories generally and has monitored their actions and posts over time to see that this treatment has, in fact, changed their mood. I understand why people might not be happy that Facebook is doing this but I want want to be the Devil’s Advocate here and say how did no one already know that this was happening? With the amount of specific data Facebook has on its users it surely is not just storing them, everyone should know that their psyches are actively being manipulated by major corporations and that is just the way the world works. This kind of information is extremely valuable in our world today and business will use this to gain many advantages and capital. Also does no one else see the value of having a service that can do these experiments in order to provide so much data on human behaviour? I think there is a lot of value in this information and since we knowingly make accounts and choose to use these services then we should be fine if companies want to experiment with us.

Original article:

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How Should Corporations be Socially Responsible?

This article talks about the rise in the importance of corporations being socially responsible by showing how public opinion on a corporation has forced said corporation to engage in activities that are deemed “socially responsible” by consumers in order to gain better publicity, even if said activities have nothing to do with the companies core business model or related to the company in any fashion. I somewhat agree with this article because it tries to show how much better it would be if the public expected corporations to be socially responsible for their own actions, whether by not destroying the environment or having better employee rights, rather than, for example, having a tech company in Europe be expected to fight cancer in eastern Asia instead of trying to decrease its environmental footprint. This is a very good point to make, but some major issues in the world are not directly related to any business, but these issues are far too great for certain individual to try to tackle, thus I believe we should encourage big corporations to try to help out in as many places as they can, rather than only in places that are directly related to them.


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