
Are Temporary Foreign Workers Needed In BC?

Are Temporary Foreign Workers Needed In BC? by soheiln

In response to Megan’s Blog, in which she says that we need temporary foreign workers in order to fill in the positions that do not have enough Canadian demand, since some positions just do not have the right candidate with the right amount of experience whom also is a Canadian applying to them. Personally I strongly disagree with temporary foreign workers in any country unless that country has a nominal unemployment rate due to people not needing to work. Throughout history, foreign workers have came into different countries and taken the jobs that the people of that exact country need to make a living. To this day, this phenomenon is happening all over the world and is it causing much anger, uprising, and hardship. What I believe should be done is that Canada, being a wealthy, industrialized country with some socialistic influences, invest in the training of its own population in order to fill the job gaps that are present instead of just bringing in foreign workers that increase the unemployment rate and with it crime and a serious of other major nuances. Another major issue with bringing foreign workers is that they might not leave, which causes another plethora of problems for the government and its people.

Story written by soheiln


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