
Was Apple too Late in Producing Big iPhones?

Was Apple too Late in Producing Big iPhones? by soheiln

Steve Wozniak has recently told CNN that apple was 3 years too late in producing large screen smartphones, causing them to take a heavy market share loss to Samsung and like manufacturers in the large screen smartphone market. Even though by looking at market share percentages, it would seem that Wozniak was right, but if one were to look at Apple’s demand of the new, larger, iPhone 6 and 6+, one can clearly see that Apple has a demand for their product that they cannot possibly meet, meaning they are selling as many they possible could. The iPhone 6 and 6+ had the biggest smartphone debut of all time beating out many records in pre-orders, first day, and first weekend sales, and with China just ordering 20 million new iPhones, Apple has made as much profit as it could possibly be making for now. Also, what Wozniak is missing is that even those who have sailed with the other brand smartphones for their larger screen, which includes me, can switch back to the iPhone at a later date when they get tired of their current phones, since now Apple offers more screen size choices, meaning even more future revenue for Apple.

Wozniak_soloshot(Click on picture to go to the article)

Story written by soheiln


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