Author Archives: Anna Huynh

Attic Thrift Store – Gordon Neighbourhood House

Dear future students (who are contemplating whether to join the Trek program),

My name is Anna Huynh and through the Trek program, I have been volunteering at Gordon Neighbourhood House (GNH) Attic Thrift Store for the past 4-5 months. Being a Trek student this past year, (I will try to not be biased) I hope through this blog I can convince you to take on the Trek program because let me tell you, it is so worth it!

Since 1942, GNH is situated in Vancouver’s West End. They work together with the community and sister organizations to offer programs that reflect the needs of the community ranging from community lunches to yoga to counselling. GNH helps connect everyone in the West End community together as well as provides basic necessities to those in need. As a volunteer at GNH Attic Thrift Store, I helped organise the store and talked to customers. Every day, the store relies on volunteers to come and help run the store. If there are not enough volunteers on a certain day, the store closes early.

When I first heard about the Trek program, I thought to myself I just got to university. It is a new country, a new city, everything was too “new” for me to take on volunteering. But then I thought maybe through this volunteering opportunity, I can get to know the city I’m living in better. Being a UBC student, with the campus size and everything it offers, sometimes students do not need to leave campus for much. I thought to myself I want to get to know Vancouver, not just go to classes and back home every day. Thus, after a while, I decided why not give it a shot? You would still be doing the same amount of work as a discussion student anyways but you will get to know and see the real problems taking place in different parts of the communities in Vancouver.

By volunteering at GNH Attic Thrift Store, I got to really witness current problems taking place in Vancouver such as poverty, social breakdown, drug addiction and how different small community groups are trying their best to help tackle these problems. For example, the West End community suffers from poverty. Many people cannot afford basic food and clothes. Thus, GNH Attic Thrift Store aims to sell donated clothing at a much cheaper, more affordable prices. My volunteering experience allows me to understand the issues better. Thus, when we discuss these issues in class, I have a much better understanding and contribute more to discussions. Additionally, through volunteering, I have met so many people all with their own individuals’ stories. Another benefit you will get from participating in the Trek program is when you are writing your Trek reflection, it will be so much easier to relate your experience to the course materials. When I wrote my reflections for Trek, I barely had to think you will be able to see the concepts/ideas studied in SOCI 100 being applied to real life.

So overall, I am going to assume if you are reading this blog then you are contemplating whether to join Trek and at the end of the day, I will say I think you should definitely give it a shot even though it might be a bit intimidating considering you just started universities. The experience will be much more rewarding than you think. Be brave! Go out there and help your community out!

Me with two other volunteers at the Gordon Neighbourhood House Attic Thrift Store

Best of luck,

Anna Huynh


P.S. If you are thinking of volunteering at Gordon Neighbourhood House or is placed there and have any questions, shoot me an email!