Do extroverts make better leaders?

I think extroverted people have the ability to communicate with new people very easy and without thinking about the results. Also, extraversion is one of the vital points in terms of leadership. So, the question is that are extroverted leaders always better than introverted?
In Colleen Sharen’s blog, I find out interesting information about this issue.
Recently, a study has shown that extraversion is not useful in all of the dimensions of leadership and in some cases can decrease the productivity of the team.
There is a relationship between extraversion or introversion in a leader’s perception and proactivity or passiveness of the employees. Well, the extroverted leaders are better with passive groups and introvert leaders are better with proactive groups and that is because extroverts have the ability to motivate employees fast and communicate with them easily to persuade them to follow him or her. Hence, that creates a good performance between extroverted and passive employees because they need this leader to give them the instructions quickly and give them motivation through talking and giving ideas.

The problem might happen when extraverted leaders have to work with proactive employees because these employees normally have their own ideas and they want to make things happen. In general, extroverts are not good listeners and that is why they can’t listen to ideas of their employees and implement them in the organization. Therefore, to be an extroverted leader or a proactive employee is a positive point in the organization and make the company successful but they have to complement each other. It would be better to leader become less extrovert by accepting new ways and encourage proactive behaviors. In my view, if you are an extrovert person, your job as a leader is going to be easier but you have to consider other opinions as well.

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  • Extraversion isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. (2011, September 08). Retrieved April 02, 2017, from
  • Digital image. Media.licdn. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Apr. 2017. <>.
  • Introverts and Extroverts in Leadership: there is more than meets the eye! (n.d.). Retrieved April 02, 2017, from
  • Digital image. Incimages. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Apr. 2017. <×450/wolf-of-wall-street-leonardo-dicaprio-1940x900_36625.jpg>.

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