

Welcome and thank you for visiting my Web Folio!

My Web Folio is helpful resource tool to help you determine if my skill set is what you are looking for in a prospective employee.  In addition to providing you with a brief overview of my background in my Biography, this Web Folio is a will give you insight on who I am as a learner and worker through the various other pages.

You will find a sample Application Package, which highlights my marketable skills that are relevant to my career choice in cancer research.  Furthermore, you will find a link to my LinkedIn page, which provides further detail on my background and experience.

Some examples of ENGL301 (Technical Writing) coursework I completed can also be found in my Web Folio.  Finally, you can read about my experience in ENGL301 on my Blog page.

While browsing through my Web Folio, please feel free to contact me by email at svandt@hotmail.com with any questions or comments you may have.

Once again, thank you for visiting.  Please enjoy my Web Folio.

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