Strategies for Formal Reports & Application Packages

In Unit Two, we started the process of creating the Formal Report and the Application Package.  First, we made a Proposal for our Formal Report, which required us to do a brainstorming exercise and practice writing in a research proposal format.  Then, we were asked to peer review a partner’s research proposal.  Our next assignment was to set up a LinkedIn Profile for the Application Package.  Also, we reviewed a partner’s profile using a LinkedIn Peer Review Form we were asked to generate.  Following, we prepared a memo for our fellow professional writing team members regarding LinkedIn Best Practices.  Finally, we produced a Formal Report Outline in the form of an email memo for Dr. Paterson detailing the progress on our Formal Report.


The most challenging aspect of preparing the Proposal for the Formal Report was the brainstorming activity for thinking of an investigational topic.  Thinking of an interesting investigational topic that would lend itself well to the Formal Report is really important.  I found that writing the Proposal was relatively simple once I selected my topic (Improving Patient Experience at BCCA-VCC).  In generating the Formal Report Proposal, I found learning how to properly format a research proposal most helpful.  From the review I received from Vincent, I realized it would be more effective if I focus most of my energy on interviewing volunteers, rather than observing patient behaviour myself.

I had the opportunity to review Vincent’s Formal Report Proposal.  I learned from my Unit One experience that having a peer review outline prior to reviewing makes the process more productive and efficient.  So, I made a peer review outline for research proposals prior to reading Vincent’s Proposal.  During the review, I was very keen on making sure his investigational topic is going to lend itself well to the Formal Report.  Also, I paid extra attention to the tone used throughout the document, keeping in mind the intended audience.  I learned that a research proposal intended to make recommendations to solve a problem should have a tone that remains respectful, but imperative.

Setting up a LinkedIn Profile was the first task in making the Application Package.  I constructed most of my LinkedIn Profile as I would my CV.  However, I took advantage of the Summary section to try to convey some of my personality and professional interests.  I really want my personality to come through, because I realize my experience may still be lacking.  Colby reviewed my Profile and indicated that I should provide more detail on some of my work experiences.  Also, he suggest taking advantage of the multimedia options on LinkedIn.

I had the opportunity to review Colby’s LinkedIn Profile.  Prior to reviewing his Profile, we were asked to make a LinkedIn Peer Review Form.  I found this task to be the most time consuming, because it required me to conduct research on the components of an outstanding LinkedIn Profile.  However, with the Peer Review Form I prepared, the actual review process was much more efficient. I found Colby’s profile to be very well developed and it included a lot of information regarding his various experiences.  In particular, I was impressed with his use of multimedia in his Work Experience section.  I eventually hope to make my Profile appear as professional and complete as Colby’s.

In this Unit, we were required to prepare several memos, including one concerning the Best LinkedIn Practices.  This assignment required us to conduct our own research and make a list of the ten best practices for using LinkedIn as a networking tool.  I found this activity most helpful as I learned a lot about LinkedIn when I conducted my research.  In particular, I learned that taking advantage of groups could be very helpful to make new professional connections.

Finally, we were asked to make a Formal Report Outline in the form of a memo.  Just like with every other technical writing activity, it is very important to keep the audience in mind during the writing process.  So, we were asked to describe the intended audiences of our Formal Reports in our outlines.   Also, for this assignment, we had to think more carefully on how exactly we will be collecting the data used in our Formal Report.  I made a list of questions I will use during interviews with my fellow Volunteers.  Each of these questions were carefully considered because the answers will greatly affect any recommendations I may make in the Formal Report.  Furthermore, I am finding that all the practice generating memos is turning out to be very useful.  I would feel comfortable preparing memos with proper tone and format in the workplace already.

I am finding that generating and receiving Peer Reviews to be most beneficial in my development as a technical writer.  By conducting reviews, we are required to be considerate of audience, conduct adequate background research, and write in a clear and concise manner.  These are all skills that must be practiced when generating any technical document.  Overall, I found Unit Two a lot more challenging than Unit One.  It contributed even more to my development as a technical writer.  I look forward to continue my learning in Unit Three.

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