Best Work

ENGL 301 (Technical Writing) is a course offered by the University of British Columbia via Distance Education designed to give students opportunities to practice communication through various modes most commonly used in the workplace.  This course also introduces various aspects of the workplace and nuances of professional relationships that technical writers should consider in order to communicate effectively.


In this course, I had the opportunity to work with Dr. Erika Paterson and my Professional Writing Team. This course was the perfect degree exiting course, which prepared me well for any professional career I undertake. I learned a lot about the nuances of professional relationships and how to effectively communicate in a professional manner.  In addition to the course content, the Distance Education delivery method of the course promoted self-motivation, a key skill that employers look for in prospective employees.

Effective communication is vital skill to have in the professional world.  Consequently, ENGL 301 helped me greatly in my professional career – whatever that may be.  ENGL 301 introduced me to aspects of the workplace that are key to consider when communicating and generating technical documents.  In addition, it promoted me to become a life-long learner of technical communication.  The challenges I experienced in my ENGL 301 journey only served to improve my technical writing, a key skill I will use in my future personal experiences and professional career.

Here you can find examples of my best work in ENGL 301:

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