Definitions & Peer Review

In Unit One, we produced three types of definitions (parenthetical, sentence, and expanded) for a term that is used in our area of study for a non-technical audience.  Subsequently, technical writing group partners peer reviewed each other’s documents.  We edited our own definitions taking into consideration comments and suggestions brought up in our peer’s review.

Selecting an appropriate term to define for a non-technical audience was challenging.  I wanted to pick a term that would not require other relatively complex words in its definition.  I ended up defining active transport, because I thought it was complex enough to allow me to easily provide interesting information in the expanded definition without using other complex terms.  While working on the expanded definition, however, I realized that terms such as diffusion and concentration gradient might be too complex for my non-technical audience.  To limit any confusion caused by introducing these terms, I included a visual depicting simple diffusion and a concentration gradient.  From our recommended textbook readings and from my experience, I realize visuals are often the best method to introduce new information without overwhelming someone.

Receiving peer review feedback from my technical writing group partner, Jongrin, was very helpful in preparing my final expanded definition of active transport.  He provided great constructive criticism regarding my work.  Taking into consideration his comments and advice, I was able to edit my definition and produce a document that I am truly proud of.


Jongrin mentioned the term solute might be confusing for a non-technical audience.  Also, he suggested to go into further detail regarding the importance of active transport and to provide a summary section.  Taking this feedback into consideration, I added a parenthetical definition of solute in the expanded definition of active transport.  Moreover, to further emphasize the importance of active transport, I added another sentence to that section.  Finally, I added a Summary section that listed in point-form key information I want to convey to my audience.

From peer reviewing my partner’s work, I realized different ways to effectively convey new information to a non-technical audience.  Jongrin provided a brief definition of video card in his expanded definition of driver, just in case his audience was unfamiliar with the term.  Also, he used a list while informing his audience of types of external devices that require a driver to connect to a computer, which added to his document’s aesthetics.

Using the peer review form that was provided to us for this assignment was very helpful while reviewing our peer’s work.  I realized that having a good idea of what to look for while reviewing a peer’s work is very important in order to provide good constructive criticism.  Furthermore, I took from our readings that it is very important to have a friendly, positive, and professional tone when writing a peer review.  In the past I have always struggled to work efficiently while writing a peer review.  However, because we were provided with peer review form, I was able to review much more efficiently.  In the future, when I am asked to review another person’s work, I will be sure to make my own peer review form, which should help me write more efficiently and focus the review on important details.

Overall, I think that Unit One was very positive for my development as a technical writer.

Hyperlinks to Definition Assignment and Peer’s Review of Definition Assignment:

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