

LinkedIn is a very valuable tool for professionals wanting to advance their careers. Networking and cultivating professional relationships is key in a successful career.

I am using my LinkedIn profile as a tool for developing, maintaining, and expanding my professional network by following these guidelines:

  • Connect with current contacts
  • Follow and connect with companies
  • Join groups
  • Request LinkedIn connections
  • Request endorsements
  • Monitor people viewing my profile
  • Explore other profiles

On my page, you will find the following sections which are updated according to my sample job application:

  • Summary: Express my background and career objectives.
  • Experience: Detail my work experience and transferable skills.
  • Education: Detail my academic endeavours.
  • Volunteer Experience & Causes: Detail my volunteer experience, transferable skills, and causes I am passionate about.
  • Skills: Outline my skills and allow others to endorse them.
  • Honors & Awards: Highlight some of my major achievements.
  • Courses: Highlight my upper-level coursework relevant to professional career.
  • Languages: Note that my native language is English.
  • Interests: State extracurricular activities I am involved in.

I encourage you to visit my LinkedIn profile and connect with me.

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