Cervone, B. & Cushman, K. (2014) Learning by heart: The power of Social-Emotional learning in secondary schools.


“Learning by heart: The power of Social-Emotional learning in secondary schools” is a necessary read for those of us out there at wonder how we can create a school environment that supports students in more than just their academics, but also in life! This piece summarizes the work of five different schools in their journey towards integrating social-emotional learning (SEL) into their every day lives. What is ultimately presented is a set of 6 key elements that they found fostered SEL in the schools they worked with. Within each of the 6 elements, the authors provide concrete, real-life examples of how each school weaves these practices into each and every little thing they do. Beyond the immediately ready-to-use strategies that this article provides, it clearly demonstrates the value of SEL in improving social and emotional skills, attitudes, behaviours, and academic performance.

My Critical Reflection:

What I liked the most about this article is its positive approach to the way in which they presented their data. Rather than talk about the issues surrounding the implementation of SEL in schools, they gave concrete examples of what does work. Secondly, because they worked with five very different schools, they were able to provide evidence of SEL working at many levels. For example, the first key element, A Web of Structural Supports, emphasizes the importance of providing community not only within the classroom, but at the school level and demonstrates the way in which different schools approached this. Within each of the 6 elements there is a plethora of examples from which one can begin to look further into ways to incorporate SEL in their schools and classrooms.