Through this journey, in trying to find ways to create a safe and respectful classroom environment, I have come across a variety of tips and strategies. Some based on theory, some used in practice, but all of them getting at the same goal – building relationships and community. What I have come to understand is that in order to really establish a solid classroom and/or school community, everyone needs to buy in to the plan because you will need support! Many articles emphasize the fact that building community or social emotional learning should not be a “one-off” lesson or activity, rather, they should be integrated into the everyday school life. However, this requires for the whole community of school members to be on board – administration, staff, students, and parents! It takes a lot of effort, but it is not impossible

What I have realized in the process of this inquiry journey, is that I have been existing in a collaborative community of my own: my inquiry group! We have been meeting weekly to share resources, discuss our thoughts, and create a presentation plan. A secondary outcome of our meetings, for me at least, is a feeling of support and a place to talk about my issues. Most days, after a few minutes of resource sharing, we talk about our lives and some of the stresses we have felt during this program. Other days, we talk about our lesson planning and try to give each other tips on what to do, even if we teach different subjects. These four people have become my friends, and they provided me with a support that I did not know I would need so badly. I thank them very much (you know who you are ;)).

There you have it folks, living proof that everything I have been reading about – relationships, community, etc. – is really all it is cracked up to be.