Letter of Application

2609-777 Richards Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 0M6

January 24, 2023

University of British Columbia
2329 West Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
Attention: ENGL 301 Classmates

Subject: Applying to a writing team

I am writing to apply to a professional writing team for ENGL 301 this semester. I am a 3rd year Kinesiology student at the University of British Columbia with professional interests in playing professional golf, coaching and physical therapy. I believe that my background in being an athlete playing at the highest level and previous volunteer experiences would make me a perfect match for your writing team.

During my previous coaching volunteer experiences with UBC Active Kids, UBC Varsity Strength and Conditioning and St. Michaels University School Golf Intramural, I’ve developed strong teamwork and communicating skills. From coaching across different age groups and working with athletes performing at different skill levels provided me experience with interviews, writing and planning training programs, presenting proposals, writing emails, and working in group settings. Furthermore, my role as being a Varsity Athlete and pursuing a professional career in sport has helped me immensely with prioritizing discipline, time management, and teamwork in working with many coaches and teammates. You can easily reach me, as I am organized, and always looking to improve.

My learning philosophy is that practice with a positive attitude will bring improvement along with working with others will provide  a more enjoyable learning experience. Feedback is very valuable and it comes from being an active listener to others. Please contact me at sonjatang1811@gmail.com or through the Canvas chat if you are interested in forming a group. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Sonja Tang

Encl. Letter of Application

301 Sonja Tang Application Letter

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