Daily Archives: September 27, 2016

20160927 The worst job I ever had

I have been enjoyed most of my job expereinces so far, but if I have to choose the worst one among them, my worst job experience was working as a server at the Japanese restaurant. Last year, I decided to get that part time job because I wanted more money for my parents’ wedding anniversary present. Here are three main reasons I did not enjoy my job as a restaurant server.

  1. Poor working condition
    I was working from 2pm to 7pm after class. However, the owner and other workers never allow me to take a meal break. More than that, as a server, seating on something was prohibited to me so I had to stand up and wait for customers even though when there were no customers in the restaurant.
  2. Long work hours
    My working schedule assigned by the owner was unreasonable. I had to work five days in a week including Saturday and Sunday while taking 5 courses as a student in University. Especially on weekend, I worked from 12:30pm to 7pm without any break.
  1. Bad communication
    I constantly asked owner that I want to work less, but he never fixed the schedule for me. After few months, I decided to quit the job because I was so stressed out. I submitted my three weeks’ notice to him, but he refused to take it because he thought I was doing well. He even threated me by telling if I quit my job, then he will increase other worker’s working hours instead of hiring new people. There were many other people wanted to work there, but the owner said them that he is not currently hiring.