My Creative Side


Mirror mirror,
What do I look like to you?
Am I as beautiful as some say?
Am I the beam of phosphorescent light that can so effortlessly
burn through all the negative, and cruel thoughts society
so conveniently places in my mind.
Why is my conscious enthralled with these
thoughts anyways
What good are they for me?

“you’re fat”
should be replaced with
“you’re worthy”.
“you’re not good enough”
should make room for
“your effort is astounding”.
“I admire my uniqueness”
must be thought with everlasting
confidence rather than,
“taller is prettier”.

It’s the societal image that ruins you,
that haunts you
It’s telling you what and what not to be
screaming, screeching, and hollering,
trying to get your attention.
But you won’t give it any of your time
Will you?

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