Midterm Blog Evaluation

Hello all,

This blog post will feature the 3 blog posts that I will be submitting for my evaluation. I chose them for a myriad of reasons, but I found the main commonality was that these were the questions or prompts that I continue to think about after I have posted them.

  1. Orality and the Internet, my post for Assignment 1.3. This blog prompted me to reflect on the changes which have been the result of developing technologies such as the internet. It is a subject that has the potential for a longer period of study. Doing this assignment enabled me to consider ways in which our understanding of media types and the ways in which we exchange ideas may change in the future
  2. No Place Like Home, my post for Assignment 2.2. I chose this blog because it was the one which I enjoyed writing the most. It allowed me to reflect on the place I grew up in the context of no longer living there. I went back last week for reading week and was thinking about Los Angeles in the context of my return my home city.
  3. Limitations of Our Meaning Making, my post for Assignment 2.4. This post presented an interesting question, and the ways in which I grappled with the answer made it particularly interesting. Specifically I used other stories, and studies of stories themselves to address how we understand storytelling and it is categorized.  I enjoyed being able to analyze it in tandem with one of my other academic interests, theories relating to adaptation as well as some of the media I consume for fun.

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