Disney got 13% increase in its profit

Disney reported their 13% increase in profit in the fourth-quarter recently. Whenever I talk about Disney with my parents, they always react by saying that I did not grow up. But, for me, I don’t agree with them, because Disney is not a tag or symbol only for children, while it is a company that provides entertainment parks, films and some related products that people can all benefit from it, although its critical customer segment is children and the youth.

As an adult, honestly speaking, those films produced by Disney are mostly very funny and we can sometimes learn from the scenarios. As to the theme parks, there are only a few open all over the world, and I really enjoy that time in the park with all childish memories back.

But as a semi-feminist, I would like to say that it is unfair and a kind of angry when I see women are often playing an evil and ugly role like wicked stepmothers and queens. Or sometimes Disney girls are innocent, because they are decided to be poor or oppressed under men. So my point is that paying attention to the gender issues and improving the equality would bring more supporters, followed by more profit


If you want to know more about the increase in profit, please read the followings:


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