Is advertising always a good behaviour?

Advertising, as a means of marketing, can be found everywhere in our lives. We could see huge posters when we walk along the street and obviously we can watch hundreds of advertisements on TV. The information that ads give you are passionate that makes me have the desire to purchases their products. But later on, when I calm down, I would like to ask whether these products are giving us benefits rather than hurting our health.

Junk foods are really not healthy for us, but many of the celebrities in fields of entertainment, sports, and other occupations endorsed these junk foods by making commercials for the public. The young children is always the target audience who lack the ability to tell what is good or bad and they just know what is delicious and sometimes follow their idols. According to Orciari(2013), “In 2012 the fast food industry spent $4.6 billion to advertise mostly unhealthy products, and children and teens remained key audiences for that advertising.”

In my point of view, as a celebrity who can influence the society should be more responsible for their behaviour that should not make “contributions” to be unhealthy. It is understandable that celebrities want to make money, but consumers are putting an eye on them. What they conduct will probably directly affect consumers behaviour, because they want to be with their idols, getting closer if we own or experience the same thing. Being social responsible for their followers and the whole society is much more critical than making money.

And there is a commercial watch:

Lebron James( NBA star) endorsed for spirit

Here are some recent news regarding to althetes promote junk foods and fast food companie target teenagers:


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