Defective Macbook Pro’s affect Apple’s image!

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With such huge functional problems, Apple suffers further degradation to their image as numerous consumers around the world complain about a system in which they have spent enormous initial premiums. In particular, the graphic processing system which is integral to the Macbook seems to be crashing because it is outdated or easily damaged.

As a University student, I know exactly how difficult it is to survive with software functionality issues as such because I was personally without a laptop for the first two months of University due to technical failures in the operating system. Although I did not have a MacBook Pro, I still faced the same problems as these consumers are facing. In my case, my opinion of my laptop company was highly jeopardized because it was quite new and it was supposed to last for atleast three years. Apple now has to deal with brand loyalty issues as a large amount of profits from the company come from consumers who are loyal to Apple because of their excellent service to the public.

My personal recommendation to Apple would be to initiate a large recall of all products in order to get the operating systems fixed at a minimized cost. Even though this might cost a larger amount of money to replace (unexpected cost), it is still a better alternative to letting the consumers switch out of apple and shift their tastes and preferences to other products with better propositions.

Online payments and plastic cards? a better alternative to cash?

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As we enter a new era of technology and modern adaptation of technology we are increasingly dragged in by its attractiveness. Devices such as Debit cards with Interac flash and PayPal ease payment processes and help consumers access material anytime at any place. However the realistic problems such as budgeting arise because the consumers spend more and more on debit and credit purchases rather than using tangible cash which allows them to control their cash expense over a period of a week, a month or even a year.

As a University student, I understand this problem first hand because I deal with similar budgeting problems as I try to balance jobs with my education and spending. Sometimes it is tempting to go to McDonald’s and tap your debit card for a quick purchase, but it ultimately affects you in the long run because it takes away from your monthly or weekly target that you set and try to abide by. I suggest that when spending money through Interac Debit or PayPal, then one way for consumers to keep control of their cash would be to track it via mobile banking service which banks provide as apps on different operating systems. This allows the consumers not only to control their expense but also helps them budget for the following month and set limits on how much they can spend in one day.

Although it is hard to make a judgement on how technology affects different people and I can’t speak for all Canadians, But as a university student I can definitely say that technology such as this has helped me keep track of my spending and has made me much more cautious when spending a certain amount of money.

More cooperation needed rather than Litigation

As the government of B.C tries to mend relationships with First Nations and Aboriginal people, their seems to be constant conflict between both sides over land rights and numerous court limitations over certain rights. Reconciliation is definitely required because if both parties want to coexist in the same province then peace and order have to be maintained. B.C premier Christy Clark addresses these issues in a very diplomatic manner and keeps it a gray area where none of the parties are comfortable.

My analysis reveals that traditionally and historically the province of B.C has belonged to the aboriginal people, however in recent times settlers have taken over the land of B.C. This not only creates a lot of friction between the two, but culturally also displaces them. My recommendation to both parties would be working towards a bill that will help educate the citizens of B.C the importance of the First Nations people. Furthermore, the bill should include funding from the public as well as the private sector in order to provide a package for betterment of the two societies and smoother cultural integration. Lastly, the bill should include land allocations which will give the tribes of B.C their rightful place in the province.

Thailand heading in the right direction?

Thailand has always been traditionally known to have an extremely tourism related economy because of its beautiful beaches and cuisine. However, recent statistics suggest that there is a downturn in the thai economy due to reduced spending by its residents and lesser tourists coming into the country due to political unrest caused by the thai militia. Its projected growth rate is at 1.5% for that very reason. However the future looks good Thailand as it slowly recovers from the political turmoil that it has faced in the past year or so. Public relations look good and so does the recent trade statistics that suggest an upwards trend for the country.

My personal recommendation to the country would be to increase their export industry even more as it holds as one of the biggest economic growth factors, especially rice and shrimp. Furthermore, the country should look at more interesting advertising campaigns to market their various islands, which are another source of monetary benefit as many tourists seem to respond to the beaches in Thailand rather than the metropolitan capital of Bangkok. Another factor which will help Thailand grow is the 324 million baht stimulation package which will increase four crucial ares of growth that will help Thailand increase their overall GDP. They are

  • increased competitiveness in merchandise products
  • better education standards in rural areas
  • addressing social inequality through tax reforms
  • Reduced energy consumption

To LinkedIn or not to LinkedIn in China? That is the question

Linkedln as we know is a global social app which connects professionals in different fields of the industry. However this recent expansion into china by them is revolutionizing the app as there is a potential of 140 million new users from china. The company has agreed to abide by Chinese laws in order to run the brand safely without any infringements, however it creates new problems such as global restrictions to content which was free before and the potential that the Chinese government could have eventual control on the app’s information distribution

My personal recommendation would be to tap into the Chinese market with a little bit more caution as they have a notorious reputation form shutting down large social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. Furthermore they should definitely look to expand from cities like Shanghai and Beijing as they are technologically equipped sectors to handle the inflow of information and working professionals who work in those cities. Linkedln has a very big opportunity to expand its horizons with its custom made Linkedln, but yet again caution has to be excersized because the company does not want to become too conservative with it’s information because that is one of the biggest reasons why it’s so popular in the west.

In conclusion, it has a whole new untapped market to dig into, which can be highly lucrative.

Mobile apps in India: good or bad?

Global markets suggest that India lags behind in terms of technology updates however, being a growing global force in information technology, India should be able to expand its sectors into mobile apps. The article addresses the key value propositions these tech giants in India can offer. However, let’s look at some facts: mobile users have literally tripled over the past year as Indians have started using their mobile phones more than their laptops to make online transactions and purchases. Furthermore, they are interested in innovative new ways to make their smartphone experiences more enjoyable, which is what apps made in India can help do.

My recommendation would be to make apps in India that seem more appealing to indian culture and society because that is a point of difference that many international app making companies lack: cultural integration. Seeing the world as it is, it is very difficult to cater to every individual’s need, however if the right steps are taken towards innovative app making then India can go a long way in the world market especially because of low production costs in general.

In the long run, India has to stamp its mark on the world stage because not only is one of the fastest growing economies in the world it is also one of the most self sufficient ones

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