Entrepreneurship and ADD: What’s the connection?

Mark Suster, the author of the blog Both Sides of the Table, wrote an extremely interesting article about how many great entrepreneurs can have ADD and still function at a high level. For those who don’t know ADD, a basic description of ADD would be an attention disorder that prevents one person from focusing on one task for very long. But in this case it apparently helps entrepreneurs function at a higher level as it brings out the creative side in them. This article fascinates me because as a child I had ADD and I would say to a certain extent i still do, however my analysis reveals that to be a great CEO or entrepreneur one must have the right type of  mindset, which means that just anybody with ADD will not become the founder of JetBlue, instead they must be creative and formative about their ideas instead of being broad and verbose. My dream is to be an entrepreneur with a business related to the pharmaceutical sciences as I always had a knack for medicine, and this article by Mark Suster really makes me optimistic about my prospects of being a global impact and leave my footprint on the world.

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Source: http://www.okayplayer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Add2-More-Missed-Calls-Front-Cover.jpg

The connection between business and health: an imperative one!

Healthcare is one of the most important sectors in a country and is one of the most important aspects of one’s life. While reading my fellow classmate’s blog (Isabella Bonato), I realized that her perspective on public health is as important as public companies releasing all their information to the public. This is a large problem in the United States as they struggled to give out the statistics of payments made by pharmaceutical companies to health care professionals. My analysis says that if companies struggle to give out information about public health, there must be something wrong with the system and the figures that they might be in charge of. Public health professionals should disclose full information to all aspects of health in general to the public in order to cater to their personal needs. For example, I can tell from personal experience that when my grandfather died, it was because of the carelessness of the doctor who had messed up his leg operation causing infections and eventually killing him through septicemia. This is something that disturbs me about public health and something that I would personally like to change in the future, so that people have complete access to all the information they need.

Automated Driving: A step in the right direction?

While looking for blogs along the pulsepress tab, I found an interesting blog written by Estebaan Flores, whose blog post is about the next generation of cars and the future of the automobile industry.

Automated Driving as an idea has been around for a while, however has failed repeated tests for safety and is continually rejected by many old car companies like GM and Tata. However the new age companies like Tesla, and older market players such as Mercedes-Benz and Audi have started to enter the market with a similar idea. I liked how Estebaan brought in the perspective that in a few years we may be seeing automated driving as a point of parity instead of a point of difference in many car companies. However i disagree with this idea because it does not have the right safety standards set just yet and many automobile companies might still reject the idea because it might be harmful to their market share. My analysis says that companies like Tesla might actually have the resources needed to pounce on this new opportunity, but also since it is a relatively new company; consumers expect them to take risks as such and redefine automobile operation itself.

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Source: http://uncovercalifornia.com/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/field/image/Elon-Musk.jpg?itok=T-6gSi7C


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