Week 1 – Introduction

Hi! I’m Sophie and I’m a second year and majoring in English. I’m originally from Los Angeles and have been enjoying the changes in seasons as it’s making my year more interesting. No more sun year round. I decided to come to UBC because Canadian universities are cheaper than out of state schools, for some reason. The public transportation here is great and the trees are pretty cool. Having water is pretty nice as well.

In high school I was inspired by a teacher to get into Latin American literature. I studied Borges in Spanish class and I thought this was a good class to further my knowledge on Latin American literature. The South is my favorite work from him and I’m excited to go over his work again. His commentary on philosophy and life was fascinating to read about and dissect. I also studied Rigoberta Menchu in high school, so I was happy to hear that we’re going to cover her impact on Guatemala. I know there are reports that she faked some of what she wrote in her book, so I’d be interested if we talked about that and the potential ramifications it might have had on the current political landscape of Guatemala.

I’ve done something similar to the contract system in a different class and it worked well for me, so seeing it implemented in this class is a pleasant surprise. I like setting goals for myself and getting to chose the works I want to read, so I don’t have to force myself to trudge through works I find uninteresting.

In terms of the first lecture, I thought talking about play in the same conversation as literature was insightful. I never associated the two terms together and attempting to talk about the two was a fun topic to think about. Changing my mindset and approach to literature and viewing it as play will be an interesting challenge, but presumably beneficial in the long run. The course seems quite fun, even with all the readings, and I’m looking forward to talking with y’all this term.

Discussion Question:
What is your favorite Latin American food to eat? Tacos and burritos don’t count. 😉

5 thoughts on “Week 1 – Introduction

  1. Julia Moniz-Lecce

    Hi Sophie! It’s really cool to hear that American high schools study Latin American literature. I think Canadian high schools could learn something from that. 🙂 For me, my favourite food to eat is definitely pozole. I don’t typically like soup-like dishes, but the flavour can’t be beat.

  2. Clandestino

    Hey Sophie,

    that’s awesome to hear your form L.A. and welcome to Vancouver!

    It’s also cool to hear that you’re familiar with some of the texts. I haven’t read much of what we are charged with this semester but I’m excited to check them out.

    I’m sure we’ll touch on some of the political issues in Guatemala in the time of when the book was written and now. Just pose the question and I’m sure it’ll be brought up.

    For your question, my favorite Latin American food is milanesas with mashed potatoes and salad from Argentina!


  3. montserrat avendano castillo

    Hello. I really liked your introduction! I am also exited to get to see the more political and/or moral situation that is related to the readings. And to answer your question my favorite food from Latin AMerica might be Mole.

    -Montserrat Avendano

  4. julia gomez-coronado dominguez

    Hello Sophie! I loved your post. I am also very excited to read Rigoberta Menchú since I also learned a bit about her in high school and I found her story very interesting. Can’t wait to get further knowledge and information on that!
    Answering your question, my favorite Latin American food would be tamales from Mexico!

  5. KenwardTran

    Hi Sophie,

    It’s surprising to hear that UBC is cheaper than the out of state options in the US! I also am looking forward to this class as its based off my own adventure. In response to the question, I’d have to say the dessert, Flan.


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