Introductory Blog

Hello everyone! Sorry for posting late on here, I was kind of confused on how the whole blog posting thing work, but I hope I’m doing this right. Anyway, my name is Cariza Warner, I’m a 3rd year undergrad student majoring in Psychology. I was born and raised in the Philippines, and then eventually moved to Saskatchewan when I was 13 years old. Back in 2018, my friends and I decided to visit our friend here in Vancouver. We stayed for 10 days, and I fell in love with the city. I love the warm weather, the rain (I’m not a huge fan of the snow and the cold weather that Saskatchewan has), the city and its diversity that it has to offer, and I love how it’s now just one plane ride away from home. So when I decided to go to university in 2019, Vancouver was my first choice, and lucky enough I was accepted here in UBC. Right now I live off campus, and very much enjoying my daily bus ride from North Vancouver and back.

To be completely honest, literature is not one of my top subjects, and I only took it because of the literature requirement. But since I am a Filipino and the similarities it has with Latin America, I am quite interested on the different aspects and culture that I’m going to learn from this class. I know it’s going to be a hard work for me, but I do want to enjoy and succeed in this class. That’s why when I found out about the format of this class, I was excited that it was very flexible and that the professor was very fun and engaging during lectures. I like how he put an emphasis on treating literature and this course as a game with its rules and constraints, but also take into consideration the seriousness and play that is involved in every game. This really takes the overwhelming feeling that I have with regards to this course. Plus on my spare time, I don’t really get to do a lot of readings, and through this class, I really feel that it would help build my vocabulary and knowledge not just about Latin America, but language as well.

Here’s a quick question for everyone: What do you look most forward to in this course?

I look forward to discussing and engaging with these different texts with everyone. My goal is to actually enjoy this course, learn something from it, and succeed. See you guys around!


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