Closing Comments

This course, Hopscotch: Topics in Hispanic Literature, has been a really great learning experience in terms of both pedagogical style and Latin American Literature. Some of my favourite reads were Azuela’s The Underdogs, Bolaño’s Distant Star, and Garza’s The Taiga Syndrome. Although these works are all quite different I think what draws me to them is the clear …

Lispector: Hour of the Star

Clarice Lispector’s Hour of the Star was a fantastic read. The novella interestingly links the reader, the writer and Macabéa (the protagonist) into a complex relationship. The writer seems to have something to prove to the reader and yet is completely out of control of their own writing according to them. Macabéa, although she is their creation, is …

Borges: Labyrinths

Labyrinths by Jorge Luis Borges was my least favourite read so far. I recognise the complexity that was added by merging and confusing genres the practice also drastically took away from the reader’s experience. About half of the pieces frustratingly felt like philosophical wafflings framed by a vague plot-like narrative. I found that this meant …