Closing Comments

This course, Hopscotch: Topics in Hispanic Literature, has been a really great learning experience in terms of both pedagogical style and Latin American Literature. Some of my favourite reads were Azuela’s The Underdogs, Bolaño’s Distant Star, and Garza’s The Taiga Syndrome. Although these works are all quite different I think what draws me to them is the clear …

Azuela: The Underdogs

Mariano Azuela’s The Underdogs (originally Los de abajo) follows a the central character Demetrio Macías as he travels through Mexico with an ever growing band of revolutionaries, causing havoc and plundering. some of the themes that most stuck out to me are masculinity, the roles and depiction of women, and the skilful portrayal of disillusionment. Masculinity is a …


Hi! My name is Kara Maria Quast. I am a third year political science and sociology double major, minoring in literature. I am studying at UBC on exchange for the academic year 22/23. Usually I study in Berlin but I grew up in London. I am 21 years old. In my spare time I love …