Partner: South Granville Seniors Center, Spanish Seniors Program

This project aims to empower seniors from Latin American backgrounds to create a legacy and an archive for future generations in both Spanish and English.

The seniors share their wisdom, life experiences with our students and their linguistic expertise in Spanish as native speakers. Spanish for Community supports the seniors in the process of choosing memories orally and written, as well as in collecting and translating their creative writing, poetry and other meaningful gifts the seniors want to share with the next generation and the community.

The project has different stages during the two academic years. The first started in September 2016. We scheduled four preparatory events in October, November, and December (two gatherings for introduction and presentation of the project and a workshop at the Senior Centre by Community Liaison Carolina Navarrete and Coordinator Maria Carbonetti, and creative writing and art workshop by Maria Carbonetti). Students’ participation started in December 2016 with a call for volunteers to engage in the creative workshop and then from our classes in January 2017. This first part was completed by April 5, 2017.

The following academic year, we continued our inter-generational project with our partner South Granville Seniors Center, Spanish Seniors Program, bringing students and seniors together and sharing stories and experiences.