
pitcture of me

A picture of me during a review session for an algorithms class.

I am currently in the final year of the Bachelor of Computer Science second degree program. My previous degree is a Bachelor of Arts in psychology. During my psychology degree I trained in the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) and put that training to use working at the UBC pain lab. After graduating with my psychology degree I continued to work at the pain lab and quickly realized that I had little interest in becoming a full time researcher or pursuing a graduate degree in the field. After spending a year working in a restaurant I applied to the BCS program at UBC and have been enjoying life much more since starting my computer science degree.

I spent two terms working at a co-op student at Skunkwerks Kinetic Industries, a small game company located in Vancouver, and was hired as a part time developer until my degree is finished. We are currently working on a game called MEG 9 which we showed off at PAX Prime 2015 at the end of August. This job has helped teach me basic technical writing skills but as it is a small company communications often tend to be more informal. I am hoping this course will help give me a better understanding of more formal communications used in larger companies that I may one day work for.

When I am not hacking away at a keyboard at work or on campus you can probably find me watching some kind of online media, either youtube or streams while scribbling on whatever surface is at hand trying to figure out some demonic technical interview question or playing whatever game has mostly recently caught my attention.

I have lived in Vancouver my entire life and hope to stay local after I graduate and continue working in the games industry for a while before possibly moving elsewhere to work for a larger game company.



The logo for the company I work for, Skunkwerks Kinetic Industries. Click on the logo to go to the company’s website.