Video Assignment Reflection

Looking back I really enjoyed the video project and thought it was very useful. What I found to be most valuable from this video project was, how it got every team member involved equally, how it allowed me to better grasp the ideas of marketing and how it taught me useful tools in video production. This project got every team member involved equally because it allowed everyone to take on a certain distinct role in the video. By doing this each member had to gather information for each section and create that portion of the video, therefore making it clearly visible who was responsible. In the situation of a standard presentation this responsibility would not be as visible therefore allowing for some team members to not put in as much effort. This video project also allowed me to better understand marketing because it gave me a chance to find information and put it into action rather then just putting it on a piece of paper to be graded. The hands on experience from this video project was definitely very useful something that I would not have got in an ordinary presentation. Lastly, this project taught me the how to create and put together a video project, starting from the planning phase all the way to the editing. I have never been a part of some an extensive video project and for that I am glad I had this opportunity because the techniques I learned will be very valuable to me in my future endeavours. Overall, this video projected was very useful and I learned a lot. It was an great final assignment and I know that what I am taking away from it will be an asset to me in the future.