Archive for October, 2012

New News

Saturday, October 27th, 2012

Despite my short term expectations that soy will swing back down I am aware that some of the general market sentiment is that soy will continue to rise from its current levels. Darin Newsom from DTN’s The Progressive Farmer writes a blog entitled “Technically Speaking” ( where he currently predicts that we are at the […]

Plans for Next Week

Saturday, October 27th, 2012

My main focus this week will be exiting the soy market. I’ve been betting mostly on longer term trends and now that corn and soy appear to have found equilibrium ranges (at least temporarily) I’ve decided now is the time to get out of any long term positions. I’m currently short 2 March contracts in […]

What’s Been Going Right?

Saturday, October 27th, 2012

The past 2 weeks have been pretty slow on the trading front. Roughly a week and a half ago I offset my 2 wheat shorts. Going in at 890 and offsetting at 845 netted me a profit of nearly $5000. At the time it may have been wise to offset my corn and soy as […]

The Week Ahead

Sunday, October 14th, 2012

Time to hunker down! I will look to consolidate some of my gains this week. Playing around with day to day news and short term price trends has lost me a fair bit of money since the start of term, so now I think I’ll take a bit of a different tactic. I will likely […]

New Data

Sunday, October 14th, 2012

In preparation for Thursdays report release I read through all the articles and blogs posted under AGWEB’s heading Power Hour: Pre-Report Analysis of Oct.11 Reports ( The analysis ranged from bullish to bearish on all 3 commodities. There seemed to be almost no consensus among analysts. The one thing I took away was the expected […]

What Finally Worked!

Sunday, October 14th, 2012

On Thursday the USDA released their report on World Agriculture Supply and Demand and Crop Production. As we saw a month ago these reports can have a dramatic effect on agricultural commodity prices. So this week I tried to take advantage of potential price shocks. After reviewing a number of different articles and blogs on […]

The Week Ahead

Monday, October 8th, 2012

Last week I planned to investigate charting software and continue researching technical trading, but as we’ll be covering more of that subject this week in class I will peruse that this week instead. On the 11th the next USDA report will be released so I plan on watching the news feeds closely over the next […]

New Data

Monday, October 8th, 2012 I’ve read a few articles off this site now and they seem to offer some good company specific news.  I have yet to make a trade based solely on what has been discussed on the site but the site is well indexed to give news specific to a commodity. By flipping to the soybean […]

What has gone wrong?

Monday, October 8th, 2012

Currently I’m sitting short on corn and long on wheat and soybeans. I still haven’t managed to cut my losses on soy and it looks like I may have missed my best opportunities. Last week I took what I thought would be a short term money making position on wheat. I took a long position […]

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