The Week Ahead

by spledger ~ October 14th, 2012. Filed under: Uncategorized.

Time to hunker down! I will look to consolidate some of my gains this week. Playing around with day to day news and short term price trends has lost me a fair bit of money since the start of term, so now I think I’ll take a bit of a different tactic. I will likely offset my wheat. Relative to soy and corn the price movements in wheat are not substantial enough to keep my attention there. I’m not yet sure what I’ll do with soy but I think I’ll maintain my shorts on corn. I started with corn because of an apparent long term down trend so I think I’ll stick with that for now. As for any more trades, the one thing I can say is that I will be using price triggers for nearly everything. I’m also going to stick to the big news stories that “get all the traders talking.” Anticipating price shocks while using stop losses to limit potential losses seems to be the way to make money in this game.

1 Response to The Week Ahead

  1.   Lauren

    Sean, I feel you. I have had a similar experience with day trading. I have not traded wheat much either. I think you are wise to put the stop losses in place. Good luck!

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