Archive for November, 2012

What’s Gone Wrong?

Monday, November 19th, 2012

There hasn’t been much good news to report from the last week. I’m still long in soybeans and wheat just waiting for a bounce that may or may not come. If wheat follows anything close to it trend over the last few months then I should still be alright, so long as it picks back […]

The Week Ahead

Monday, November 19th, 2012

Keep calm and carry on. As the trading game winds to an end and issues with tradesim have sunk several students, I’ll take this time to keep a close eye on my existing positions. I’ve found that whether I’m up or down I pay quite close attention to prices when I’ve got positions open. I […]

New Data

Monday, November 19th, 2012

I’ve taken a different approach this week. I haven’t paid much attention to the market news. Instead I’ve been focusing on the price movement and holding out for a technical bounce. After last week’s assignment I did watch a few additional videos on to try and pick up a bit more detail on technical […]

What Worked and What Didn’t

Tuesday, November 13th, 2012

In preparation for Fridays USDA Supply and Demand estimates I place positions and price triggers on corn, wheat and soybeans. This time around the glitches in TradeSim seemed more random than usual. My corn transaction didn’t work at all. I placed my sell contracts and price limits to capture some quick gains (or abruptly limit […]

The Next Week or So

Tuesday, November 13th, 2012

I’m anticipating a bounce in both soy and wheat. I expect soy will be a longer, slower bounce but I will possibly be offsetting my long wheat in the next few days. My long positions on January soy have in-prices of 1457 and somewhere around 1410 (we’ll see what tradesim decides). I don’t expect soy […]

New Info

Tuesday, November 13th, 2012

My positions for last week’s Supply and Demand report came from a combination of articles and gut feelings. Wheat and Corn I was correct in predicting a price drop but based on the analysis of Farm Futures and The Progressive Farmer’s Technically Speaking, I was long on soy. (;jsessionid=BF9B401D526E0F4549C6C74BF5C1E2FD.agfreejvm2?symbolicName=/ag/blogs/template1&blogHandle=agtechnical&blogEntryId=8a82c0bc3a5e6fae013aa2f39e4602d3&showCommentsOverride=false) When making the call on soy […]

New Data

Friday, November 2nd, 2012

I don’t believe I picked up any new material this week but I will be watching closely to see if they release another pre-report summary of all the talk surrounding this week’s USDA WASDE report. I will also be spending a bit of time combing through the WASDE report page ( to gain a […]

The Week Ahead

Friday, November 2nd, 2012

Research! In preparation for Fridays USDA report on World Supply and Demand Estimates I will be reading a fair number of blogs and articles. Leading up to Thursday night I will be placing some price limit orders to capture any volatility created by the report. I will likely be trading in corn and or soy. […]

What’s Gone Well?

Friday, November 2nd, 2012

This last week has been pretty slow on the trading front. I came into the week holding short positions on both March and January soybeans. I had offset my corn shorts the previous Friday and was just waiting for soy prices to swing back down to what I believed to be the low side of […]

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