What’s Gone Well?

by spledger ~ November 2nd, 2012. Filed under: Uncategorized.

This last week has been pretty slow on the trading front. I came into the week holding short positions on both March and January soybeans. I had offset my corn shorts the previous Friday and was just waiting for soy prices to swing back down to what I believed to be the low side of their equilibrium range. Sunday night I offset my 4 January contracts at 1536 for a net gain of $1349 each. Then Monday morning I offset my 2 March contracts at 1509 for a net gain of $586.5 each. I believe this is was the first week since we began the trading game that I actually stuck to what I planned to do in last week’s blog. I predetermined the approximate level at which to offset by simply looking at the price trends and “running” a rough ARIMA (Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average) model in my head. That might sound more complex than it actually is. I basically looked at the recent trend and made an educated guess about how it would proceed in the near term. I used this same strategy to place a limit order on wheat. I expect that at some point in the next week or 2 December wheat prices will drop down below 850 so I placed a price limit order for 4 long contracts should the price hit 848. The price drop at the beginning of the week didn’t quite hit these levels but I still expect it to occur in the near future, and if not, in the mean time I have zero downside risk.

2 Responses to What’s Gone Well?

  1.   amberzhang

    hi Sean,

    I saw your profit last week. well done!!
    I found myself are excuting the similar strategies: set the expected price ceilling and price floor. If we can got the accurate estimation, things will become easy.
    basically, what we can do is technical anlysis. what do you recommend me on technical anlysis, and how do you think the information shock influence people like us(what’s your strategy to cope with a sudden unexpected price change?)
    besides, you are also working on other people’s blog and strategy, which is good!!
    i will keep following your blog.
    cheers and good luck with your trading!

  2.   spledger

    Thanks Amber! In terms of technical analysis I would recommend learning a bit about statistical forecasting and the idea of the Random Walk. For unexpected price shocks my strategy has been to try not to react without thinking. I have been successful by taking opposite positions after a significant price shock. I think prices will usually come back to an equilibrium range, but I’m still learning…

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