The Week Ahead

by spledger ~ November 19th, 2012. Filed under: Uncategorized.

Keep calm and carry on. As the trading game winds to an end and issues with tradesim have sunk several students, I’ll take this time to keep a close eye on my existing positions. I’ve found that whether I’m up or down I pay quite close attention to prices when I’ve got positions open. I would like to play these last ones out until the end (long soy at 1406 & 1457, long wheat at 851.5). It will either be a catastrophic lesson learned or maybe, just maybe my expectations will come to fruition.

If soy takes another downward leap I’ll offset my positions and cut my losses. Otherwise I’ll ride out these positions until they make me some money or the game ends. As for any new contracts, I’ll keep my eyes and ears open and if there’s any news that might cause a price shock I’ll try to take advantage.

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