The Plan For Week Two

by spledger ~ September 23rd, 2012. Filed under: Uncategorized.

The coming week will be crucial in deciding whether or not to maintain my short on December corn. If early in the week shows steady rise that may be reason enough for me to jump ship. However if the week opens down it will reinforce my decision to stick with it. Aside from corn I have kept my eye on wheat and soybeans. The decision on corn was made based on a long term trend, this week I plan to take advantage of some short term volatility. Soybeans have bounced around by 20 to 30 points most days during the last week. In the coming week I will watch how the price floats up and down for soybean futures over the first couple days then try and take advantage of minor fluctuations by taking a position for a much briefer period with a greater number of contracts. This will again be an application of technical analysis for which I will attempt to utilize some of CME’s “study” functions or failing that attempt to generate my own projections using ARIMA modeling methods.

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