Deception in the Media Business

“What if the New York Times Experimented on You Like Facebook ?”

This news article, from Time Magazine, describes the deception of Facebook, most notably with regards to a discrete study conducted in 2012. In its study, the “tech” company manipulated its users’ news feeds in order to determine how more positive or negative updates affected the users’ moods. The article sarcastically goes on the target Facebook for for not following media, or business, ethics. One way in which it does this is by describing how Facebook’s “mysterious algorithms” affect flow to other news sites. As well, it accuses Facebook of falsely promoting itself as a tech and “not a media company”.

The link between this article and “The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase Profits” is evident through the authors’ similar opinions. In both pieces of text, the authors’ make no move to hide their disdain for business managers and media giants, such as Facebook, when it comes to deception and fraud. The author of “The Social… Profits” condemns business managers who practice deception and “[expresses] admiration” for those who also show their distaste. The link between these two articles can be seen in the authors’ attitudes with regards to deception and manipulation in business, whether media or other.

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