A WORKING LIFE – Just for survival ?

What are your thoughts when you leave for school or work ? Do you moan and groan thinking “oh no, not another day” ? Or do you walk out the door in the morning with a smile on your face ?

After reading Kimberly Lin’s post on staying happy while working, I started to think about my own perspective on work life. Do I complain too much about school ? Am I enjoying learning as much as I possibly can ? I hear adults complain far too often about “having to work the next day” as though it were their duty, a means of survival to pass by their day and make money to support their home lives. Is this how people idealize their lives ? Imagine a work life where you look forward to going to work and enjoy talking to your boss and co-workers. Think carefully, does it seem very familiar ?

I agree with Kim’s ideas that we should be able to enjoy not only our social, but academic and work lives. Her resounding comment near the end, “making it [finals season] an enjoyable time for everyone around us” reminds us that our own moods and perspective affect our surroundings. If we, as a generation, choose to have a more positive outlook on life, one where we look forward to learning and working, imagine the ripple affect of positivity and open mindedness it would have not only now, but in businesses and world leaders of the future.

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