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  • Did you rely more on syllables, words, ideas or a combination of all of them?

I chose to rely on the representation or identification of key ‘images’ and ‘ideas’ to better explain the plot. I felt using syllables or words would be too similar to an orthographic approach as well as be harder to decipher from a viewer’s point of view. I reviewed the episode in my head and worked to distill it into the main 4-5 ‘acts’ or sections, from there I found emojis that best described the situation. Ensuring to have a moment of introducing the characters, their dilemma, then how they resolved this plot point and a conclusion. I wanted this media to be reflected into its essence as if it were “read” like a simple chapter book.

  • Did you start with the title? Why? Why not?

Yes, I did, because it seemed like the easiest emojis to assign. Ironically it was one of the hardest, as my emoji keyboard (google android) did not have an emoji or one close to representing the first “word” of the title. For me, starting with the title also helped me frame keywords to search as I built the rest of the plot through emojis.

  • Did you choose the work based on how easy would it be to visualize?
I began thinking that, however as I have been quite busy my only form of traditional media has been binge-within repeats of this show, so whilst the specific plots may be different their themes are all similar. I chose this one as it had the clearest imagery to help me search for similar emojis. Overall I would not have said that choice was easier, but it was considered.