Second Languages?

On Tuesday’s lecture, we briefly touched on the topic of knowing multiple languages. So is it a necessity? No. Is it useful? Most definitely. Especially in the business field, in which there is a lot of international communication, it is definitely an advantage to know another, if not a few other languages. Although much communication is often virtual or online, and yes, it’s easy to access instant translators and online dictionaries, it is much more convenient and simple to at the very least, know the very basics of another language.

As well, companies thrive on having an employee that they trust to send overseas, because they can speak and communicate in the foreign language. Languages are definitely intangible assets, and “brands” you as an employee that much higher.

Think of how much easier it is on yourself as well. Though having a translator by your side may seem like a perk, there is nothing fascinating about having the most simple phrases like “where is the bathroom?” or “where can I find something to eat?” being translated for you.

Besides, knowing multiple languages minimizes the chances of having anything “lost in translation“.

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