Roll out the change for roll up the rim!

I was driving home from lunch today and feeling a bit tired, I decided to grab a coffee on the way home since I still had an afternoon class. And then the little voice in my head kicked in and  I thought maybe I’d just save the extra drive (don’t even get me started on the gas prices these days) and make myself a coffee at home, or even better, hope that I still have an energy drink left in the fridge. And then it hit me…

Rrroll up the rim.

Marketing Magazine reveals that Tim Horton’s has been keeping the success of the famous promotion on the down low. The main purpose of the promotion is to reward the loyal customers. Although redemption rates are said to be high, I must say I have been unsuccessful in winning anything so far: 0-1.

However, what attracts customers are the prizes. Like the article mentions, Napoleon, this year’s barbeque donor, admits that the brand recognition and brand awareness they are getting is huge. Their name is now plastered on who knows how many cups, and windows of Tim Horton’s all around the world-a lot of exposure for an Ontario based company. I can tell Napoleon that their partnership was well worth it. I will admit that I have never heard of the brand until I eagerly read my large double-double to see what kind of prizes I would be winning, and although I didn’t expect to win one of the bigger prizes in just one try (my Facebook updates tell me I’m about 20 or so cups behind winning even a coffee/donut), I now remember Napoleon, and I remember barbeques.

Toyota also comments on how the promotion allows them to better their perceived value.

Tim Horton’s and their partners:


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