iPhone’s Uphill Battle in Mainland China

Recently, with the release of the new iPhone 6, hoards of customers have been lining up at retail stores. Mainland China, however, is not so lucky as the iPhone 6 will not be on sale until around October 1. Recently in Mainland China, however, there has been a massive influx of highly priced iPhone 6’s into the Chinese black market. Unfortunately, iPhone sales in Mainland China are greatly diminishing and even the black markets have suffered losses. In previous years, the iPhone had been synonymous with luxury phones in China, yet the iPhone 6 is already facing sales issues due to the popularity of newer, more affordable brands. The article outlines new phone brands, such as Xiaomi, that have been emerging and taking over the Chinese market. Xiaomi phones have seen a booming growth in recent years. They are slim and have very excellent functions not too different from the iPhone. Xiaomi phones are, however, a lot cheaper than the iPhone. The market for Xiaomi phones has risen to the top due to their affordability. Furthermore, the iPhone 6 has yet to introduce any new striking aspects support its high price, while Xiaomi was able to use the strategy of low cost to pull ahead. As the article outlines, Apple seems to have a “glum” ride with the sales of the iPhone 6 in Mainland China as customers are now looking towards newer brands that are dominating the cellular market in Mainland China. Apple no longer holds a firm brand leadership and the decline in demand can already be seen with the failures even in black market sales. When the iPhone 6 is officially released in Mainland China, Apple may be in for another surprise.


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