RE: Cable Television No More?

A few of the on-line video websites.

Just yesterday, I was informed that my cable was cancelled and, to say the least, I was disappointed since I still regularly used the television. In response to Stella Cho’s blog “Cable Television: The New Old-Timer,” however, I take no reservations in agreeing that cable television is becoming ‘outdated’. The sheer quantity and growth of on-line media has simply been astounding in recent years. Sites such as Youtube, Twitch, or, as Stella outlined, Netflix cover most forms of video media. Sites such as Twitch can feature gaming videos that would be impossible to find on television and sites such as Netflix offer a wide database of movies at a cheap monthly subscription. There is a  noticeable disparity in value propositions and cable television is, simply put, not convenient. Movies or shows are scheduled to play at certain times whereas movies or series can be found and watched on-line at any time. I believe this issue of convenience is a major reason for the rapid and successful emergence of Chinese companies, such as XiaoMi, that offer on-line television services, through which users can watch videos on their television via an on-line network. While there will exist many cable television users for years to come, I believe that eventually the convenience of on-line media will displace cable television as a rare commodity.

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