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Archive for April 2nd, 2009

I recorded these thoughts awhile ago, but just got to posting them here… I just completed my ILN lab. This was an experience where we were able to remotely operate a GC/MS analyzing a prepared sample. I chose to analysis sample 5, the anesthesiologist as I figured, since he’s the person handling the drugs, he’d […]

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I wonder about this question every time I notice the reliance of students on technology. It is clearly evident to me that students no longer use technology to enhance their everyday lives, they are reliant on it. Take away their cell phones, they’d be crushed! Scarier…take away their calculators and the vast majority would be […]

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According to Resnick and Wilensky (1998)1 , while role-playing activities have been commonly used in social studies classrooms, they have been infrequently used in science and mathematics classrooms. Speculate on why role playing activities may not be promoted in math and science and elaborate on your opinion on whether activities such as role playing should […]

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