People First(First Nations)

People First

The article Tsilhqot’in set to declare site of New Prosperity mine a tribal park[i] is about a tribal park is planned to be built but the plan is opposed by the First Nations for territory reasons and environmental problems. In fact, the opposition from the First Nations is understandable. The whole plan is definitely going to change where they live from generation to generation, even cause some damage. No one is going to allow this happen and once this happen, those who live there are going to do something to stop it getting from bad to worse.

The article reminded my of an issue[ii] happened recently in Huizhou, a city in China Guangdong. The government of Huizhou planned to build China’s largest waste incineration power plant in Boluo, which is a town that had thousands of history dating back to the Qin dynasty. Once the announcement is public, all Boluo people are indignant for the plant is going to produce great pollution to the whole town. A great number of local people went for manifestations and do what they are able to do to stop the government’s plan. The large-scale manifestations even cause chaos. It is quite surprising to see that a town, which was once peaceful, would have this kind of big-scale conflicts with the government. Finally, under the pressure of the public, the government finally announced that regarding the people’s proposition, they wouldn’t choose to build such a plant in the mentioned place.

The same to the issue described in the article. If the government or a company is going to introduce any plants to a new place, they have to concern about the local people. If the First Nations oppose of the plan and the government or company insist building it, undoubtedly, conflicts are to happen and chaos are to appear. No one is going to ignore what is happening around where they live. Thus, do not look down upon the power of First Nations or local people. When introducing a plan, think of those people first, knowing exactly whether they are willing to have this in their place or not.






[i] Tsilhqot’in set to declare site of New Prosperity mine a tribal park (

[ii] http://中国/20140913-广东博罗两万民众示威抗议焚烧垃圾发电厂计划/news/metro/Unilateral+park+declared+Tsilhqot+includes+Prosperity+mine/10192766/story.html?__federated=1

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