The Arc Initiative and Social Enterprise: Help Develop and Realize Self-Value

The Arc Initiative and Social Enterprise:

Help Develop And Realize Self-Value

If the United Nations was fully funded why would we need the Arc or social enterprise? My answer to this is, for developing a better economic world and helping more individuals to realize self-value.

According to the several articles, Arc initiative is a platform for business people to share their knowledge and business skills. With more experience being shared, business people have more chance to set up right and effective strategy which helps to allocate resources efficiently. I trust that a company with only a great deal of money but without correct strategy is going to fail in the end. Arc Initiative helps business people to gain more experience by learning from others’ failure and success. When business people know more about the economic world, the whole economic world is going to boom.

Why we need social enterprise? We know that nowadays, as the society is able to make more funds, more and more money is used to help people in need. With the financial help, individuals who are badly-off are able to make a living and lead an easier life. However, merely giving financial aids to individuals does not solve every problem. I trust that people are more willing to work hard and gain what they deserve gaining than accepting pitying help from the society. With the help of social enterprise, people are able to have their own job to feed themselves. In the meantime, they can feel that they are needed while helping the community. I believe that social enterprise will help create shared value by giving individuals hope as well as making more wealth for the whole society. People who used to think life is tough are capable of realizing their self-value. All this cannot be done by only providing money; thus, it is necessary for social enterprise to exist.

Comment On An Outside Blog

Comment On An Outside Blog:

Is Your Client Follow Up Professional Or Painful?

The blog Is Your Client Follow Up Professional Or Painful interests me at first sight. This blog describes a situation most of us have come across. In our daily life, we will receive some cold calls which are hassling. This does not indicate that the cold calls are unnecessary but the clients who are following up have done something inappropriate. Once they do wrong in following up on cold calls, they lose some potential customers.

In my view, cold call is a significant part in customer service and it is an essential way for a company to know more about their value proposition. Through cold calls, companies are able to know more details on consumers’ gains and pains. With cold calls, they can know how their products are working. In order to become good gain creators and pain relievers, I think a company is supposed to do really well in cold calls. Concluding the methods shown in the blog, I think the essential of making a successful cold call is to think on the consumers’ dimension. Thinking on the consumers’ dimension includes calling customers in a suitable time, being efficient on the phone call and make a call that is useful, etc. Only in this way can companies absolutely help customers to solve problems. And solving problems as well as creating values for customers are two of the major jobs for value proposition. I trust that a lot of companies are supposed to focus more on cold calls so as to serve customers better and generate more profit.

Tmall Announces Global Free Delivery Promotion

Tmall Announces Global Free Delivery Promotion

What does Nov 11th mean to you? For Chinese, this is a day (Double 11 Shopping Festival) for shopping spree. Tmall(Company Alibaba’s platform), China’s biggest online shopping mall is going to deliver goods from the other countries for free.

Global free delivery promotion is a significant strategy for Alibaba to develop business abroad after its historic New York IPO (initial public offering). President of Tmall, Wang Yulei has said that, “ The first step to go global is to make everyone able to buy things from Britain, Germany, United States or Japan at home.”

In my opinion, IPO enables Tmall to promote this practice. Thanks to IPO, Tmall is able to have cheaper access to capital and create multiple financing opportunities, which make it possible to generate profit by shipping freely.

In other aspect, it is wise for Alibaba to make up this decision because it seems that Alibaba may inspire more people to shop online. I think, in the future, Alibaba may be able to deliver goods for students abroad for free as well, which I think is going to be a win-win strategy. As far as I know, there are more and more Chinese students studying abroad at present and they have need to shop on a Chinese shopping website to buy something which cannot be found abroad and with a cheaper price. If Alibaba is going to do so, Chinese students abroad are able to benefit a lot. Alibaba, on the other hand, is going to have an extra large customer segment.

It is good news to see that Tmall has walked forward the step. I am looking forward to the change that Alibaba will make in the future.

Comment On Xinqiao Dong’s Article

Comment On Xinqiao Dong’s Article

“High-tech classes for Chinese Children”

As what Xinqiao Dong said in the article, Creatica is a company that provides immersive hands-on creative workshop to young children in China. It is indeed an innovative company. Besides the advantages that Creatica have taken according to Xinqiao Dong’s view, which is low investment, stable education market, I think there is one thing that cannot be ignored. In my opinion, Creatica’s success is also due to its attention on CSV(Creating shared value).

It is known to all that the disadvantage of Chinese education has led students to focus too much on standardized tests instead of knowledge itself. A lot of people even have the idea that the main purpose of studying is to gain a high mark in the college entrance exam so as to enter a key university in China. Nowadays, we can see many education companies in China are aiming at helping students do well in the exams. In order to compete with other education companies, some firms even advertise that their education will guarantee the students to enter a key junior high school, key senior high school or a key university. Among education companies like this, Creatica, however, makes difference on their target, which is changing the perception of a country. It aims at helping people to think instead of being test machines.

I trust that in the circumstance of China, education companies are able to gain more profit if they pay attention to helping students to take every type of exam. But, Creatica does not only look to the short run, but consider the long run which is going to benefit to the whole nation. Even in this way, Creatica gains profit. In my opinion, the success of Creatica proves that CSV will finally lead a company to generate more profit. The inspiration from Creatica is that, if I am going to set up my own company, I’d better try creating shared value. Once I do good to the society, the society is also going to pay back.

Supplement on Juliana Phan’s Article

               Supplement on Juliana Phan’s Article

  “Earnest Ice Cream: Seriously Good and Seriously Personal”

  When I read Julie’s article, I am interested in the company she talked about. According to Julie’s article, firstly, the company Earnest Ice Cream has point of difference, which is providing glass instead of plastic cup. Secondly, Earnest Ice Cream focuses on establishing valuable relationships with customers.

  After searching for more information, I am desire to add more points. First of all, I agree with Julie that Earnest Ice Cream has an intimate business model. Before having the second store, they seem to do every part in an orderly way.

  Linking to what we have learnt so far, I was excited to find out that the shop has something that is very important for a company, the organizational culture. In an interview video, the founders, Benjamin Ernst and Erica Bernardi have stated that the meaning of “earnest” is honesty and transparency. Having core value like this, they do their best to let flavors reflect the community. Besides, Transparency is even shown on their products by supplying transparent glass to place the ice cream, which makes the shop special. Also, they dedicate a lot of energy on gaining customers’ feedback. In all, we are able to find out that Earnest Ice Cream owns a positive organizational culture which benefits a lot. In my view, it is organizational culture that leads the shop to make correct decisions and be outstanding.

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