The Royal Family Helps to Boost Economy

The Royal Family Helps to Boost Economy

Hey, do you know that the duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton is pregnant again?[1] It is no doubted that a crowd of people are waiting for the second child born in Britain. We are easy to find out that no matter what the royal family does, there will be “royal” response from the British.

Looking back to William and Kate’s wedding, we surprisingly find out that this royal wedding helps to boost the economy in Britain[2], even the Europe, a lot. Before the wedding, factories took actions to produce souvenirs. Gambling market led people to bet where they would hold the wedding[3], where would they have their honeymoon, etc. Tourism in Britain and even the Europe boosted for people are willing to see how a royal wedding is. More than that, Kate Middleton, who was going to be the bride at that time, helped to boost fashion sales. Once she presented in public, the dress she worn would immediately be sold out[4].

It was said that the royal wedding had helped boost Britain’s economy by hundreds of millions[5]. How could the royal family do this and how do they boost the economy? Relating to something that we learnt from class. The royal family in Britain is just like a company and they are doing their best to contribute to the whole country. We are able to see that the family members are active in charity and official events[6], etc. It is appropriate to say that the British royal family has a good reputation. Like Apple, the royal family is very popular and owns a lot of crazy fans. The different role they are playing also makes them differentiate from other movie stars. People are always curious about everything about them. Thus, they are able to attract all individuals’ eyes as well as sell what they have (though they not directly do so, but provide chances to relative companies.)

The royal family helping boost economy makes me think that what a country has, like festival and traditions can also help to boost economy in appropriate way. Those unique festivals or traditions can be something like differentiate strategy (I am not sure whether it is appropriate or not) and if the nations can make good use of them, they will not only help pass those festivals and traditions from one generation to the other, but also help boost the whole nation’s economy.


[1]”Royal Couple Expecting Second Child.” BBC News. Web. 4 Oct. 2014.

[2] |5

[3]The Top 10 Royal Wedding Betting Markets | (NewsFeed The Top 10 Royal Wedding Betting Markets Comments)

The Top 10 Royal Wedding Betting Markets

[4]The Seraphine dress worn by Kate Middleton for royal portrait sold out in two hours (The Seraphine dress worn by Kate Middleton for royal portrait sold out in two hours)



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